Digital Audio Technologies Australia

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Digital Audio Technologies Australia (D.A.T.A.) was an Australian CD manufacturer. It was founded in 1992 as a joint venture between EMI and Warner, who then sold it to Summit Technology (SM) at the end of 2004.

SID codes

  • Mastering SID code: IFPI L311 (written "IFPIL 311")
  • Mould SID code: IFPI 2661

For some reason, the mould codes on every disc are the same.


The D.A.T.A. logo includes a graphic before the text. The font used for all the mastering code text resembles Times New Roman.

The "ifpi" part of the mould SID code is lowercase. The number "2661" is more difficult to see, and resembles a toolstamp.

Some discs may have the D.A.T.A. logo on the label.

D.A.T.A. Mastering
SID code
Serial Mould
SID code
Disc title
1999 D.A.T.A. IFPIL 311 9362473862 H E6 ifpi 2661 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
1999-05-14 D.A.T.A. IFPIL 311 BSM844AE A E4 ifpi 2661 Barbie Storymaker
2000 D.A.T.A. IFPIL 311 8998422 A E3 ifpi 2661 Monty Python - Life of Brian
2000-11-14 D.A.T.A. IFPIL 311 7509823/2 A E1 ifpi 2661 Monopoly
2004 D.A.T.A. IFPIL 311 5814702 A E4 IFPI 2661 The Alternative Album (Discogs)

Some discs pressed by D.A.T.A. were mastered by other manufacturers, including Disctronics, WEA, and SM. They have D.A.T.A.'s mould SID code, but the mastering codes for the other manufacturer. Those discs aren't included here.


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